Roberto Duran - Day of the Dead
Roberto Duran - Day of the Dead
Added on 05 May 2017
Watched 3,318 times

(Dia de los Muertos), celebrated between October
31st and November 2nd, is a celebration in which
Mexicans remember and honor their deceased
loved ones. Though it may sound gloomy or morbid,
it’s not. It’s a festive and colorful holiday.
Mexicans visit cemeteries, decorate the graves and spend time there – in the presence of their deceased friends and family members. They also make elaborately decorated altars (sometimes called ofrendas) in their homes to welcome the spirits.
The belief behind Day of the Dead practices is that spirits return to the Earth for one day of the year to be with their families. It is said that the spirits of babies and children who have died (called angelitos, “little angels”) arrive on October 31st at midnight, spend an entire day with their families and then leave. Adults come the following day.

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